Friday, February 22, 2008

OOPS - Stefani

Jill just brought it to my attention that I spelled our future daughter's name wrong - it is to be Stefani. If our referral turns out to be a boy, we will both feel silly :)


Laurie said...

I hope you dont mind me blogging here, I live on the computer day and night.

I am so excited that you and Jill are going to have another beautiful daughter. I love the name and it will be so cool for Katie to be a big sister. In December at least, we all hope to meet her. I told Riley and she is excited and wants to know more about China. She studies it alot and in her gifted clases they touch on learning the language. I hope when you get more information on your daughter you will let us all know. I love the way Jill is spelling Stefani. Take care,

Your cousin here in Missouri

Kim said...

I will be barging in to say Hi too.

Congratulations Shannon, Jill, and Katie. Stefani is adorable.

Kim Morris