Hi, this is Jill. Shannon laid down to try to put Miao Miao to sleep and fell asleep himself (she's still awake). We're settling into a routine here in Changsha, with a group breakfast at our hotel, which is very nice, (both the breakfast and the hotel) then a group tour. Today we toured the 1000 year old Yue Lu Academy and adjoining Confucian temple. Nelson is fantastic guide, very knowledgeable and upbeat, not to mention great with the kids.
Miao Miao is getting more comfortable with myself and Kati but has a strong preference for Shannon. She's stuck to him 24/7. So as you can imagine, he's exhausted. He's doing an awesome job. He's doing all the carrying and diaper changing, and I get to do all the feeding to help her build trust with me. She is indeed a "Spice Girl." Last night I was feeding her some bamboo shoots and when I tried them, they had quite a kick! She's coming out of her shell a little more each day and warming up to all of us. The Chinese lessons are really paying off. While my receptive language stinks (I know just enough to pay for our purchases), my baby commands (eat, sit, you want this?, you're safe) she understands and I think that's making it easier for her. In the room Miao Miao plays the throwingall-the-toys-out-of-the-crib game and says "Bu yao!" (don't want) in her cute little voice. It's adorable, but she's got quite an arm and you have to watch where she's chucking those toys!
Kati says having a sister is harder than she thought it would be, but she's managing to enjoy her China vacation in spite of the crying and, as she puts is, "stinking soggy diapers." She says she really likes China and is going to move back here some day. We told her she can go to Beijing University if she keeps her grades up. :-)
Jane and Rachel are doing very well. Rachel is an active, into-everything adventurer, so Al and Mary have been invaluable in giving Jane those much-needed breaks.
All in all it seems the girls are transitioning into our families quite nicely and we're enjoying learning all about them. We have a week here in Changsha while the girls' passports are being processed.